The Liebster Award

The Liebster Award


Yeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! 😀 Its been less than a month and I already have two awards in my kitty……I am on cloud 9 :D….Seriously!!

Less than 2 weeks ago I won The Sunshine Award and the joy for my first award wasnt even over that I have another one .

This award is really special…. Special because 2 of my favorite bloggers ( Kitchenkonfidential and Sweetenitup) have given it to me and receiving the same award from 2 people back to back is just overwhelming.

Its amazing when your hard work has been recognized and you get awards for it. I wish i had a speech ready but honestly I have no words to describe how happy I am 🙂 A Liebster Award is really a special award at wordpress and it just motivates you to do the best that you can. It makes you believe what you are doing is correct and is being appreciated. Blogging is a passion indeed!!!

I would like to thank Rhea from Sweetenitup. I love her blog. Her ideas and creativity for desserts is out of this world. So if you are looking for amazing dessert recipes and tips do check out her blog. I assure you, you wouldnt be able to resist yourself from trying one of those recipes all by yourself. Rhea *hugs* to you babes ❤

Alicia…. I have know you since I started writing…. And this award from you has just made the bond more stronger….Thank you so much sweetheart…. Her blog is a hub for amazing food and drinks…You can find variety of recipes and mouth watering pictures….. Do check her blog: Kitchenkonfidential for outstanding food and pictures.

My Lovely Nominees The Rules for Participation are:

  •  Thank the person who nominated you
  •  Answer questions given to you by the person who nominated you
  •  Nominate 5-10 people for the award
  •  Ask your nominees 10 questions, which they have to answer
  •  Link your nominees and leave a comment on their blog regarding their nomination

 Answers to Questions addressed to me by Rhea are:

Q1) Why did you start your blog?

 I started my blog to share my recipes and experiences. 🙂 And to capture my creativity as a food blogger.

Q2) City life or country life?

City Life. Period!

Q3) Red or Blue?

RED…Anyday ❤

Q4) Pancakes or waffles?


Q5) Favourite cuisine?

Italian and Chinese ( I cant chose one among them. They are my favorite)

Q6) Your life long dream?

Since childhood, I have been wanting to go to Paris. So yeah my life long dream has been to go to Paris ❤

Q7) Land or water?

Water. Though I dont know how to swim :P….But yeah water anyday

Q9) Formal clothes or casual clothes?

Dont find it wierd…But i Love Formal Clothes 😛

Q10) Drinks or Desserts?

Both. I am greedy for both.

Answers to Questions addressed to me by Alicia:

  1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Strawberry!! (You all know my love for strawberries 😉

2.If you could only watch one tv show for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Drop Dead Diva…. Coz i am addicted to it 😛 ( I love Stacy and Deb and Grayson and Fred… LOL)

3. What is your favorite meal to cook?

Pastas 😀

4. Is there any ingredient that intimidates you? How do you plan to overcome it?

No. Der isnt any I can think of right now.

5. If you could cook with any person, who would it be any why?

My sis. Coz she loves cooking with me

6. What is your favorite book?

A walk to remember

7. Have you ever been out of the country?


8. What is your favorite color?


9. How do you like to spend your free time?

Social Networking Sites, Tv shows, Chatting with Friends and Irritating mom

10. Purses or shoes – which do you like better? 

Both ❤ ( I have a huge collection for both)

The Awards is about sharing love and happiness….so I would like to nominate my favorite bloggers:

1. forafewsummersmore

2. posimagine

3. thetypekitchen

4. taleoftwotomatoes

5. chaosandcookies

6. aahaaram

Congratulations all the bloggers! Please answer any 10 questions I have answered.  The participation rules are given above. Please participate and spread love and happiness!

Keep Blogging




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